Mary Fernandes
Mary is founder and President of Vermarje Tea Co. offering fine loose-leaf tea, Afternoon Tea Salons and Tea Talks and Tasting. Vermarje can be found on-line and in Randolph at the Artisans Stetson Coop Shop. Look for the soon to be launched private brand, EqualiTea and Tea Salons to advance the Racial Justice movement.
Mary held leadership position in Transportation, at the MBTA and MassDOT; as Assistant General Manager for Supplier Diversity and Development Office, Assistant General Manager for Communication & Community Development, Construction Department, and Diversity and Inclusion MBTA, and Deputy Secretary for at the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Construction. Before joining Transportation, Mary held management positions in Health and Human Services and Department of Personnel Administration.
Mary has received many awards: Northeastern’ Sojourner Truth Award, the Massachusetts Manuel Carballo Award for Excellence in Public Service, the American Public Transit Association Excellence in Civil Rights Leadership Award, and has honored with the Women Transportation Seminar-Boston, Diversity Leadership Award and the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials, COMTO, Leadership and Diversity Award. The Boston COMTO chapter also named a Scholarship in her honor.
Mary has served on numerous civic, business, professional, museum, boards and presently serves on the Board of the Massachusetts Women of Color Coalition, Randolph Women’s Club and Advisor to Boston COMTO Chapter and as President, Paul K. Fernandes, Foundation.
Mary invites you to Pause and Sip tea and enjoy the moments that make your journey.